We have been in the rental business since 1977 and have accumulated a wide range of rental properties, primarily single unit residential properties in the Tell City/Perry County area. We have a wide range of properties to choose from unless they are currently rented. We have a balance of large (4-5 bedrooms) to small (efficiency) units and a nice selection of quality homes that we have worked hard to renovate, make energy efficient and modernize with innovative and stylish features. Over the last few years, our vacancy rate has been quite low due to high demand, our quality of service and a great group of loyal tenants. We strive to keep our tenants happy and have a highly trained team of professionals to properly manage and maintain the many properties we manage.
We hope your rental experience is a pleasant one and you enjoy your stay with us here in Perry County.

The Management Team
Owner: Mark Ramsey
Property Manager: Markita Coultas
Bookkeeper: Amity Patrick
Receptionist/Paralegal: Heather Burch